Financial Markets
Trump. China. Brexit. Coronavirus. These are all developments with an impact on the financial markets - and on our pensions. But what is the extent of that impact? How do financial booms and setbacks affect us? And what do short-term developments mean for the long term? Keep reading here for more about financial markets.
08 July 2021
Tax Burden
Interview - Long-term investment
01 July 2021
APG selling half of Spanish rental property portfolio
Interview - Sustainability, Long-term investment
24 June 2021
“When will the rise in the housing market stop?”
Background - Long-term investment, Income
18 June 2021
APG awarded twice during Global Capital Bond Awards
News - Sustainability, Long-term investment
18 June 2021
The taxman and the investor
Opinion - Long-term investment
17 June 2021
“Will the computer chip shortage lead to inflation?”
Background - Long-term investment, Income
03 June 2021
“It should not be all about growth”
Interview - Sustainability, Long-term investment, Income
03 June 2021
Stop growing?
Opinion - Long-term investment
21 May 2021
“Does Brexit offer any opportunities for pension investors?”
Interview - Long-term investment, Sustainability
31 March 2021
APG invests in the Chilean transmission market
News - Long-term investment
18 March 2021
Are you afraid of ghosts?
Opinion - Long-term investment
25 February 2021
Chief economist Thijs Knaap at BNR on Shell, dividends and China politics Biden
News - Long-term investment, Sustainability