APG Podcast: The crucial role of employers

Published on: 31 October 2023

Achieving financial independence for all women is everyone’s business. This is the central theme of the APG Podcast “Money for Women”. A triptych starring APG’s top women, in collaboration with the Global Women’s Forum. In this episode, Host Inge Diepman, professional field hockey star Maria Verschoor, CNV president Daniëlle Woestenberg and financial expert Annemarie van Gaal, along with APG’s executive board member Francine van Dierendonck, examine what role employers in the Netherlands can play in women’s financial independence.


Van Dierendonck emphasizes the employer’s role in women’s financial equality. A 2019 APG survey found that women earned 19 percent less than men. This was corrected by salary increases. But the real problem was that women were given fewer promotion opportunities. As a result, the organization is now paying more attention to this issue in promotion decisions. “That shows that something can definitely be done, even if a company thinks they have everything in order and don’t discriminate between men and women.”


Is Van Dierendonck inspired by the tips from the podcast? “Very much so. They reiterated that it is good for all employers to do an annual check on their pay gap, followed by appropriate actions. But also, that this often has to be forced. Employers also play a role in raising awareness among female employees. Yet they cannot ensure financial independence alone; it is a social responsibility.”


The podcast can be listened here (SoundCloud) and here (Spotify) - in dutch.



In the picture above, from left to right:

  • Annemarie van Gaal: entrepreneur, investor and finance expert
  • Francine van Dierendonck: APG executive board member
  • Inge Diepman: presenter, discussion leader, program director
  • Daniëlle Woestenberg: lawyer, teacher of philosophy and president of CNV National and CNV Education.
  • Maria Verschoor: professional hockey player and advocate for equal pay in field hockey.