The Future of Pensions Act (Wtp), which went into effect on July 1, 2023, brings changes to the Dutch pension system. The reforms are aimed at making supplementary pensions more transparent, personal and sustainable. They are in line with social developments, such as changes in the labor market and demographics. Pension funds and insurers have to switch to the new pension rules before January 1, 2028.
This page provides an overview of the key points of the Wtp.
What’s changing?
In the renewed pension system, participants no longer receive a pension entitlement, but a fixed contribution is made for them. The sum of the deposited premium and the investment return achieved on it constitutes the participant’s pension assets. Something new in the pension system is that participants can see how much pension capital has been accrued for them. This makes it more transparent how much money has been set aside for each participant. It also makes transparent that the amount of the pension is uncertain because it ultimately depends on investment results. This is already the case under the FTK (the current system).
Elements that will stay the same
Important elements of the current system will be retained. The Old Age Pension will remain a fixed component of the Dutch pension and will not change. Supplementary pensions will be paid out for life. We currently invest the supplementary pension and will continue to do so in the future. Solidarity, in which risks are shared through collective investments and shared buffers, among other things, will also remain intact. These shared risks ensure that millions of participants are stronger together than if they were to bear these risks individually.
Mandatory participation in a pension fund will also remain. Thus, most workers will still be required to be affiliated with a pension fund through their employer. This ensures that they save for retirement on time and that the risks can be shared. The existing division of roles between the government and the social partners will also be maintained. Pension will still be an employment condition.