All Publications
“The situation in Ukraine makes the inflation hedge of commodity investments extra relevant”
Interview - Sustainability, Long-term investment
“After you’ve recouped the purchase cost, you’ll have free electricity”
Interview - Sustainability, Long-term investment
The invasion of Ukraine is an attack on our fundamental values
Opinion - Sustainability
How is the high price of natural gas going to affect the EU’s green ambitions?
Background - Income, Sustainability
“The blockchain has no help desk or insurance”
Background - Income, Sustainability
“Sustainability should not be used as an excuse for mediocre returns”
Interview - Sustainability, Long-term investment
APG embarks on 10-years partnership with SkyNRG
News - Sustainability
APG urges Korean companies to take strong climate action
News - Sustainability, Long-term investment, Income
APG announces investment into Taronga Ventures’ built environment technology Fund
News - Sustainability, Long-term investment, Income
The importance of good corporate responsibility rules
Interview - Sustainability, Long-term investment
APG contributes to an inclusive investment world
Background - Our organization, Sustainability
Political jousting about gas and nuclear energy as renewable energy sources
Interview - Sustainability, Long-term investment