BFF de Podcast: money, friends & family

Published on: 14 October 2024

Are you open about your finances or do you prefer to keep it to yourself? Should you or shouldn't you discuss financial concerns with friends or family? And what about the etiquette when it comes to giving rounds? In the fourth episode of Best Financial Friend, a podcast from APG, we will talk about the taboos and the usefulness of talking about money with friends, family but also with colleagues.

BFF the Podcast is alternately presented by APG's Sterre Ooms and Rick Akkermans. The panel in this episode consists of Fleur Weekers, Milo Gordijn and Vera Rutten. The conversation covers different topics and thoughts. For example, opinions seem to differ regarding the degree of transparency about your salary towards colleagues, but there is quite a consensus within the panel about the irritations of 'forgotten' ‘tikkies’ from friends. Fleur: “People who often skip a round, who never host an evening at home or who always forget ‘tikkies’, after which you have to send a reminder three times. I can find that really annoying.”