APG Wins Rise & Lead Award 2024

Published on: 13 September 2024

APG has won the Rise & Lead Award 2024 gender balanced leadership. The jury praised APG yesterday during the award ceremony, particularly for its inclusive leadership development programs.


The winners of the Rise & Lead Awards 2024 were selected through an extensive process, which included an evaluation of initiatives related to work-life balance and efforts to improve the position of women within companies.


To be eligible, organizations had to be based in Europe. This resulted in a diverse range of participants from various sectors, including technology, finance, healthcare, and manufacturing. APG competed in the ‘gender balanced leadership’ category against Philips and Amazon.


Positive change

The Rise & Lead Awards 2024 recognize organizations that bring about positive changes for women in leadership. According to the organizers, these companies have set new standards for gender equality through innovative initiatives such as expanded parental leave, equal pay, and inclusive leadership development programs.


CEO Annette Mosman of APG is pleased with winning the award. She is strongly committed to gender equality both broadly and within APG. "To truly make a difference, action is needed. That's why APG has set important goals. For example, in 2023, 32 percent of our topmanagers were female and 37 percent of our complete staff were female, and it is our ambition to increase these percentages to above 40 percent by 2026. This can only be achieved through targeted training and talent development.”


Read the full interview with Annette Mosman here.