Coming out. Two words that sound so easy on paper can be extremely difficult to execute when it comes to yourself. Two people who have taken the step outside are APG colleague Evelien Starren and former Wushu top athlete Tim Sastrowiardjo. On Coming-Out Day they told there story.
At first glance they look so different. The Dutch transgender woman Evelien has built up a great career, is married and has two children. Homosexual and bicultural Tim graduates from Eindhoven University of Applied Sciences and is slowly picking up his top sports career again. And yet they share a very personal, poignant story. They both came out, he as a teenager, she after she almost past fifty. And they still come out of that almost daily. Because, as they say in this interview, you don't come out just once. Tim: “Making myself vulnerable is one of the hardest things I've done in my life.”
APG's Proud network, together with the LGBTI organization COC Limburg, has organized this conversation between Evelien Starren and former Wushu top athlete Tim Sastrowiardjo. APG director of Shared IT Services Eric Helsloot interviewed the two.